Warrant Officers

Attaining the rank of Warrant Officer First Class is one of the top honours a Cadet can achieve at the Squadron.

Cadets who attain this position within the unit have shown dedication and hard work throughout their Cadet careers.  Warrant Officers further develop their leadership experience working with the whole Squadron.  This requires the Warrant Officer to adopt a 'big picture' view and work to develop the other senior cadets in their command.

Warrant Officers of 199 Squadron

TBA September 2024
WO Faith Adeyemi February 2024-June 2024
WO Leonard Yoo March 2023- February 2024
WO Lily Hadfield November 2022-February 2023
Position Vacant October 2021-November 2022
WO Darin Ng April 2021 - October 2021
WO Sijun (Josephine) Zhao March 2020 - April 2021
WO Dominic Donato June 2019 - March 2020
WO Juliana Papaioannou June 2018 - June 2019
WO Megan Marshall October 2017 - June 2018
WO Keelee Sproule November 2016 - December 2016
WO Sarah Orchard January 2015 - May 2017
WO Alex Darcel March 2014 - January 2015
WO Brianne Jeanson January 2014 - March 2014
WO Mathew Bernat October 2013 - January 2014
WO Stuart McCorrie October 2013 - October 2013
WO Andrew Overton January 2013 - October 2013
WO Taylor Judd November 2012 - December 2012
WO Kyle Baricz-Ives September 2011 - November 2012
WO Amitoj Singh September 2010 - September 2011
WO Curtis Shonoski October 2009 - September 2010
WO Kurt Wittmeier October 2008 - October 2009
WO Mitchell Funk December 2007 - October 2008
WO Jens Thomas May 2007 - December 2007
WO Cameron Kessler March 2007 - May 2007
WO Heather Shonoski February 2006 - March 2007
WO Richard Gagnon May 2005 - February 2006
WO Patrick Lambert May 2004 - May 2005
WO Bennet Rasmussen September 2003 - May 2004